Sophia Foods started in 1990 with a mission:
to share food from the world's finest vineyards, fields, and seas.
In 1989, we were a young food-obsessed couple living in Brooklyn. At only 22 and 24, neither of us knew much about cooking but loved to eat well; we'd both grown up around diverse, talented cooks (our parents/grandparents come from a total of five countries). Despite the cultural differences, we recognized how similar good cooking made us feel, and marveled at the passion, thought and energy that goes into procuring the right ingredients, and the care and hard work that brings it to the table. It all seemed magical and mystical.
Out Into the World
With no grown-up ties, we left our jobs to experience the diverse cuisines of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. We relished in the fruitful essence of Europe's rolling fields, exotic spices of Indo-Asian jungles and paddies, and flavorful wonders of the Middle East's groves. But it was the system surrounding food, the meaning of food in the lives of our hosts, that we wanted to bring home most.
Back in Brooklyn
In a culture of American cooking that, by the 80s, had become impersonal, overly processed, and TV-dinner-like, we wanted to reinvigorate people with a passion for home cooking. Our goal was to re-equate food with time spent with family and friends; to remind Americans of the creativity and expression of love that comes from cooking and sharing quality meals at home.
Sophia is Born
Short on funds but rich with passion, we approached local markets, pre-booked orders, and worked out of the back of a truck. Our passion proved contagious, so we quit our jobs and invested it all, naming her Sophia to encompass the eclectic ethnic cuisines we revere. Like a quality woman, honest food has the power to capture the heart and transcend boundaries.
Our Journey
Today our ever-expanding collection includes over 200 delicacies from around the world, and we have our fellow "foodie" customers to thank for making our mission a success.

Candace & Danny Abitbul